Lease Payments

SFS Login

To review a lease payment you need access to the Statewide Financial System (SFS). This is where you can check payment history or other details relating to the purchase order.

statewide financial system

Lease Pay Terms

There are several different terms based on the type of lease cost:

  Recurring Non-recurring Payment Method
Fixed base rent, parking, janitorial1 N/A automated voucher
Variable real estate taxes, operating expenses, escalations, electric2 OPL (one-time purchase lease)3 regular voucher process

services included in the scope of the lease where dollar amounts are fixed

2 services included in the scope of the lease where dollar amounts are variable

3 goods or services not in the scope of the lease but pertain to a leased facility

Lease Invoices

An invoice for a lease needs to include:

  • The New York State agency to be billed
  • The unit ID of the agency
  • The vendor name in SFS
  • The vendor number in SFS
  • The NYS contract number or lease number
  • The invoice date
  • The dates of the service
  • Any necessary supporting documentation


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