hispanic man at computer

Create an Expense Report

Getting Started

  1. Complete your expense report within 30 days of your trip.
  2. When creating your expense report  you first need to login to the Statewide Financial System (SFS). 
  3. Change your homepage to "Travel & Expense Entry."
  4. Click on the "Create Expense Report" tile*. 
  5. After you complete the General Information section, click on the "Add Expense" button in the top right corner.
  6. You will enter each expense, one at a time.

*If you are a proxy, you will get a pop-up box with the names of employees, or you can search, to create their expense report.

login to sfs

Keep in mind: If you are enrolled in direct deposit, your last check will be deposited into your existing account.

Filling Out General Information

First, you will need to fill in the "General Information" details:

  1. First, fill out fields on left of the page, mandatory fields are noted with an asterisk.
  2. Business Purpose - click the drop-down and select the purpose that describes your travel.
  3. Report Description - enter a brief description of the trip (30 character limit).
  4. Reference - this field is optional and agency-specific. 
  5. B-1184 - if B-1184 spending approval was obtained for your travel, enter the code number.
  6. Out of State - click on the toggle button if the travel was out-of-state.
  7. Official Station - this is prefilled by your agency Employee Data Administrator (EDA). If this is incorrect, please contact your EDA. 
  8. Start and Destination Location - these fields are mandatory and if you don’t complete them, you will not be able to save your report.
  9. Travel Dates - Enter your “Start Date” by clicking on the calendar icon which will give you a pop-up box to choose your date and then enter your “End” date of travel.
  10. Expense Times - enter the “Start Time” of travel on the first day of travel and your “End Time” for the last day of travel.
  11. Normal Working Hours - is your “normal, every-day work hours.” 
  12. Default Location - This is the city and state where you traveled to. Type in the state’s 2-letter designation, followed by a space, and the first few letters of the city. 
  13. Employee Home Address - This is prefilled by Payserv. If this is incorrect, please contact your Payroll office.


go to adding an attachment page

In-state travel of $500 or more, and all out-of-state travel require DOB approval.

Adding Personal Expenses

Once the general information page is complete, click on "Add from My Wallet" to enter your travel including expenses charged to your T-Card and or click on "add expense" for any paid from your personal funds.

Add each expense individually using an expense line. Your report may contain multiple expense lines.

A blank SFS expense report initially shows one expense line. For each expense line, the following fields must be completed:

  1. Date - click on the calendar icon and choose the date you incurred the expense.

  2. Click on the magnifying glass to select the "Expense Type" from the drop-down menu.

  3. Description - click in the description field to add any relevant details about this expense. 

  4. Amount (for personal funds)

  5. To add another expense, click on the “+” icon on the left side of the page; to delete an expense, click on the “-” on the green expense line (on the left side of the page). Note: deleting an expense also deletes any attachments on the line.

Note: You can't click “-” on a negative expense line.

Adding T-card Expenses

The “My Wallet” feature in SFS stores all your pending T-Card transactions which must be imported from “My Wallet” into your expense report. 

  1. Click on “My Wallet” to see all your pending travel card transactions. It can be accessed from Create Expense Report tile or Expense History tile

  2. Date - charges from “My Wallet” automatically populate the date the charge was posted to Citibank. (This cannot be changed.)

  3. When meals are charged to your T-card, they are specified as “Return to State Charges” in “My Wallet.” Once imported, you need to offset the charge by adding an expense line with the correct meal per diem expense.

  4. If you have an unspecified charge you must assign an expense type. Click the "New Expense" checkbox, then click on the magnifying glass to select the appropriate expense type and then click "Assign." 

  5. Select the charges to be moved into your expense report by checking the box in the "Select" column.

  6. Click “Import.” The “My Wallet” window closes and you are brought back to your expense report. SFS creates an expense line for each item brought in from “My Wallet.”

Split Receipts - CHANGES

When a receipt or invoice contains multiple expenses, separate or “split” them.

Example: You have one invoice that includes rental car and gas charges. The invoice must be split to show separate expenses for “Vehicle Rental” and “Fuel for Travel.” 

  1. Click on the “Expense Split Wizard” button*.

  2. Wizard begins with a question Then select the "Expense Type" for what you are splitting - for example, “Fuel for Travel” or “Vehicle Rental.”

  3. Click “Split.”

  4. Enter the dollar amount.

  5. Click “Update.”

  6. Once the screen updates, the “Current Expenses on Receipt” box shows you have accounted for both expense types and the “Receipt Split” is complete.

  7. Click "Done."


After the “Receipt Split” is complete, the body of the expense report displays the expense types separately.


* This may not be available for all expense types.

Helpful Documents


    Statement of Automobile Travel (AC160-S)

    This form is only required to be completed by the traveler when a proxy completes the SFS Mileage Detail page on behalf of a traveler. If the traveler is submitting their own expense report they should not be submitting the AC 160-S and must complete all information in the SFS Mileage Detail page.



Contact the BSC Travel Team

Please include "travel" or your expense report number in the subject line of an email.

Still have questions? Try the BSC Help Center where you can send a question to our support team or search a database of FAQs.

Contact us by email:

Mailing Address:

BSC Travel & Expense
1220 Washington Ave
Building 5, Floor 4
Albany, NY 12226-1900