Asian man on phone at desk

Account for Your Leaves

Sick Leave

  • Sick time allowance is determined by your negotiating unit and attendance rules.
  • Employees generally earn standard sick day allowances of 8-13 days per year. 
  • You should record time on your timesheet in .25 increments (15 minutes). 


Be sure to enter leave accrual charges in the appropriate day and row in LATS-NY:

  • Record routine sick leave in the "sick-regular" row. 
  • Record sick leave for care for an immediate family member in the "sick-family" row.
  • Record leave charged to FMLA using the miscellaneous leave code available in LATS-NY.
  • You can find other leave codes in the drop-down menu under "leave," and each one provides a description that can help you choose the right one.

Annual Leave

Record your Annual Leave, or vacation time, must be entered on your timesheet in the "vacation" field. If you take less than a full day, make sure your timesheet under "total time" for that day equals 100%.

The typical accrual rate for full-time state workers is 3.75or 4.00 hours during each payroll period. Other items such as length of service and attendance rules may change your hours so be sure to check with your HR office if you have any questions.

You can check your accruals (or your balance) at the bottom of your timesheet under "Balances and Earnings." If you notice any discrepancies contact your HR office to confirm the accuracy.

Leave Codes

There are several types of leave codes available in LATS-NY some of which include:

  • Floating holidays
  • Holidays
  • Personal time
  • Sick time
  • Vacation time
  • VRWS (voluntary reduction in work schedule)

Each one has additional subcodes to provide the most accurate allocation for your time.

If you are unsure which code to use check with your supervisor or your agency's HR representative.


Contact the BSC Time & Attendance Team

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Contact us by email:

Mailing Address:

BSC Time and Attendance  
1220 Washington Ave
Building 5, Floor 6
Albany, NY 12226-1900

Contact us by fax:

(518) 457-1879